Sonos Pro

How To Set Up a Music System in Your Retail Store

A photo of a child in a clothing store, as viewed from over the shoulder of a member of staff as she interacts with an app on a tablet device

Sonos Pro Editorial Team

Running a successful retail store is all about attention to detail. You know that each aspect of your space, from product packaging to display setups to the sound system, contributes to the overall experience of the customer. These details establish a connection between your brand and customers, encouraging them to spend more time in your space and pushing them toward that final purchase.

Music is central to that retail experience. This is because the first thing your customers experience when walking into your space isn’t the product or service; it’s the atmosphere you’re trying to establish: the sights, smells, and sounds. And the music you play has a major impact on how customers think, feel, and behave.

Our Brilliant Sound Survey, which gathered information from over 12,000 listeners across 12 countries, found that music impacts people in the following ways:

74% see reduced levels of stress when they listen to music.
52% feel happier when listening to a favorite song.
82% believe great-sounding music makes parties more fun.

If people are able to derive these benefits from listening to music on their own time, why not give them a similar experience when they shop and — in the process — anchor those positive experiences to your brand?

A retail store sound system helps you do just that.

A photo of two people in a clothing store, holding a lively discussion while shopping
A photo of a technician on a ladder installing a speaker at a retail store

First things first: what do you need for a retail store music system?

The first thing that comes to mind in any discussion centered on playing music is the speaker system. But a high-quality business sound system actually has three main components: speakers, commercially-licensed music, and an app for central control.

Let’s take a look at each of these pieces.

Speakers and hardware

The quality of your retail sound experience is determined completely by the speakers that the music is played on and how you set them up throughout your space. That means there’s a lot to consider during the selection process.

Because retail spaces tend to be much bigger than the typical residential living room, you will likely need a larger speaker. High-fidelity speakers can distribute high-quality sound throughout a large area, providing even the biggest retail stores with clear stereo sound.

Besides audio quality, you also need to consider the visual impact that large speakers may have on the aesthetics of your space. Choosing in-wall or in-ceiling speakers will allow your sound experience to blend seamlessly into the room.

Licensed content catalog

Choosing the type of music you’ll play in your retail space is a pivotal aspect of the overall shopping experience for customers, which makes sense — you are playing it for them, after all.

The genres, artists, and songs that you choose can set and elevate the ambiance of your shop — provided you put in the work to find the right music, of course. In addition to strengthening your brand, the right use of music in retail spaces has been shown to increase the amount of time and money customers spend in-store.

But before you find the right playlist or catalog, it’s important that you understand the difference between playing music in your home and playing it in your store. Generally, playing music in your business requires a license.

To do so, you need to find a commercial streaming service that offers a catalog of pre-licensed music. This way, you can play music stress-free, focus on running your business, and ensure that your favorite artists are fairly compensated for their music.

A control system

A system that lets you remotely manage and control everything, from the music you play to the volume and bass level, is the secret ingredient to the sound system for your retail business. Crafting the perfect retail store music experience is about achieving harmony between your music and the speakers it’s played over.

Many business owners are so focused on one or the other that they forget to fine-tune the whole experience — a central app provides an easy solution. Plus, it frees up your staff’s time to focus on the most crucial aspects of your retail operation – product presentation, assisting customers, and generating sales.

A photo of four Sonos Pro Era 100 speakers
A photo of a person relaxing on a sofa and interacting with a mobile device, with logos for many sound system apps overlaid on the photo

How to set up a sound system for your retail business

Now you know there’s more to setting up a sound system for your business than placing a few speakers and pressing play on your favorite streaming app. The next question is finding the right speakers, music catalog, and control system for your business.

From identifying your brand sound and mapping your store layout to buying the necessary hardware and commercially licensed music, several steps are involved. Now let’s look at exactly what you need to do.


Identify your brand sound

As you know, music serves as an effective medium for building a positive emotional connection between your customers and your brand. Understanding your audience is crucial to selecting the tunes that drive those connections. By understanding the demographics, habits, and preferences of your top customers, you can identify the genres that will suit them best.

A younger audience might prefer buying shoes and apparel from a store that plays trending genres and exhibits an understanding of the current culture. On the other hand, the people who frequent an independent bookstore may appreciate quieter, alternative songs as they browse for their next read.

In both cases, the type of retail store music elevates the shopping experience and helps establish an emotional connection between brand and customer.


Map your sound system layout

The floor plan of your store will largely dictate the layout of your business’s sound system. You’ll also need to factor the acoustics of your space into speaker placement, so customers can enjoy a consistent music experience whether they are inside or outside your business.

During this planning process, you should determine whether you need standalone speakers or architectural speakers that won’t visibly distract from your set-up. Depending on the layout, you may prefer to use outdoor speakers.

Another thing to consider is the electrical infrastructure of your building —  which can impact speaker placement, quality, and longevity. You can take the easy route by installing high-quality plug-in speakers and avoiding the complex wiring of architectural hardware.


Get the right hardware for your space

Engaging brand sounds are built on the back of high-quality audio, so choosing the right speakers is key to your retail experience. Depending on the size and nature of your business, factors like the number of speakers, their placement, and your space’s electrical layout will impact the buying decision.

When it comes time for the actual installation of your business’s sound system, there are some additional things to consider. For example, some retail sound system services can even connect you with an installer in your area, so you don’t need to spend additional time sourcing the right pros.


Find your music streaming solution

With all the hardware in place, it’s time to find the perfect music for your retail business. You’ve done the research and know the genre, tempo, and volume that resonates with your customers  — now it’s time to find the right music streaming service for your business.

As previously mentioned, creating a brand sound in your store requires commercially licensed music. Commercial streaming services like Sonos Backgrounds provide a catalog of pre-licensed music, with curated stations to match any retail environment. All you need to do is hit play.

A photo of a person in a retail store inspecting clothing items, a 3D rendering of a retail store layout, and a screenshot of the Sonos Pro Dashboard software

Three tips for providing the ultimate sound experience with your business sound system

Even if you follow each of the preceding steps to a tee, issues can still arise with your retail business sound system. Here are a few tips you can use to make sure you minimize hiccups and provide a consistent, quality sound experience.


Cut the hassle with WiFi speakers

WiFi speakers offer more flexibility because they don’t need to be hardwired or connected directly to an ethernet cable or modem. WiFi connectivity gives you the freedom to move the pieces of your retail sound system until you achieve the desired effect. No more restricting placement based on proximity to your internet connection — if there’s a power source nearby, you can make it work.

Plus, if you plan on growing your business in the future, you can quickly and easily add more speakers to meet your changing needs while creating a consistent, cross-location sound experience.


Prioritize the scalability of your sound system

As your business grows, your sound system should, too. Whether you’re physically expanding a single location or opening multiple new spaces, you want a sound system that can accommodate new speakers. Not only are WiFi speakers hassle-free, but you can easily add them to your system to meet the changing needs of your business.


Find a solution that gives you control — from anywhere

Running a retail store means you and your staff are constantly juggling multiple responsibilities. A sound system that allows you to control all music, volume, and other settings from any mobile device will save you valuable time and ensure consistent sound experiences at all times.

A photo from inside a stylish and modern clothing retail store of a clean downtown city street outside

Amplify your retail music experience with Sonos Pro

Setting up a sound system for your business can seem like a complex task, but Sonos Pro makes it simple. After revolutionizing multiroom audio, Sonos now has a service that gives businesses the three essential pieces of any business sound system — the hardware, the music, and the app to control them both.

As a one-stop solution for a tailored, impactful, and hassle-free retail sound experience, here’s what Sonos Pro delivers:

  • Remote monitoring and management: Ensure consistency in your sound experiences by monitoring and adjusting volume, music, and other sound settings from anywhere with the Sonos Pro dashboard.
  • Music and control that work for you: Select from a catalog of commercially licensed music to find the music that fits your brand identity, creates the desired atmosphere, and resonates with your customers.
  • Premium product support: Access a success manager or team of Sonos product specialists to minimize downtime and provide an uninterrupted shopping experience for your customers.
  • Unrivaled sound experience: Amplify your business’s potential with best-in-class sound quality from Sonos speakers and offer customers an unforgettable shopping experience that keeps them coming back.

Remember, music is not just sound; it’s an integral part of your brand’s retail experience. Contact Sonos Pro to learn more.

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